How a Renovation Contractor Can Make State-of-the-Art Upgrades to Senior Living Facilities in Bergen County, NJ

How a Renovation Contractor Can Make State-of-the-Art Upgrades to Senior Living Facilities in Bergen County, NJ

Part of keeping your senior living facility attractive to residents is keeping up with the times and making upgrades designed to improve daily life in the residents’ suites, hallways, and community areas. These upgrades could be simple changes or big overhauls that completely change the flow of your facility. Before you enter another year with the same outdated design, here’s how a renovation contractor can make state-of-the-art upgrades to senior living facilities in Bergen County, NJ.

Related: What Upgrades Should be Made This Year to Senior Living Facilities in Westchester County and Suffolk County, NY?

Appealing Hallways

The width, lighting, and materials choices in hallways play a huge role in how these transitional spaces are perceived. Residents don’t want to feel that they’re living in a sterile hospital environment; they want to feel at home. Bright yet warm lighting; textured wall coverings; warm colors; and visually appealing flooring such as vinyl with a wood grain will make residents feel at home even before they enter their suites. 

More Natural Light

Everyone can benefit from more natural light, especially those that don’t spend very many hours outside. Wherever possible, increase the size of windows to make for a livelier and more positive setting. Where possible, add skylights in corridors, the lobby, and community spaces.  

Artificial Lighting to Set the Mood

Lighting is an essential component of design. Countless studies have demonstrated that changing the color temperature of fixtures in specific spaces can positively affect moods. In a senior living facility, the right lighting can promote positivity and wellbeing.

No lighting is less appealing and homey than fluorescents which used to be the top choice for energy-efficient lighting. Today, light-emitting diode (LED) technology means incredible energy savings as well as light fixtures that are available in a wide range of color temperatures.

For example, the light color of natural sunlight at midday is 6500 degrees Kelvin; this is what our bodies have evolved to prefer during the day. Fluorescents often try to mimic natural sunlight, but the effect is harsh and clinical. Incandescent bulbs and halogen lights have a much warmer color temperature more reminiscent of candlelight, which creates a soothing atmosphere. However, incandescent and halogen lights are energy hogs. Switch to LEDs and opt for light temperatures lower than natural sunlight, between 2500 and 4500K for the most pleasing atmosphere.

Indoor Greenery, With and Without Plants

Real plants will provide natural beauty, boost moods, and purify the air. In windowless spaces,  grow lights will keep them healthy. Where plants are simply not convenient, natural colors such as greens and browns - along with natural textures that are easy to clean - will promote a soothing atmosphere.

Charging Stations and Better Wifi

The older generations aren’t as tech-dependent as the younger generations, but that doesn’t mean they don’t use smartphones, tablets, or computers. Adding charging stations throughout the common areas will add a much-appreciated convenience for residents and visitors alike. 

Video calling connects residents with their loved ones; but not when the bandwidth garbles the image or even drops the call altogether. The need for improved wifi is a common theme across every senior living facility as a way to improve wellbeing through social interaction with loved ones, which means adding high-speed broadband internet to every room and community space.

Heated Bathroom Floors

It may seem like a simple luxury found in a spa, but there is something to be said about the creature comfort of a heated bathroom floor, which helps residents’ feet stay warmer, improving their health. 

Related: 5 Reasons to Use a Design-Build Pro for Your Senior Living Facilities Upgrade in New York City


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