Streamline Your Commercial Project With a Design-Build General Contractor in the Brooklyn, NY Area

Streamline Your Commercial Project With a Design-Build General Contractor in the Brooklyn, NY Area

Streamlining a complex Brooklyn, NY Area commercial project can save time, money, and keep the process on track. The traditional method of hiring a general contractor and finding a designer can be a tedious process, taking longer than it has to. The merits of hiring a design/build general contractor can persuade you to take this path for a stellar space.

Related: The Benefits of Hiring a General Contractor That Specializes in Design-Build in the Brooklyn, NY Area

Design/Build vs. Separate Design and Contractor

For a commercial project following a traditional path, you have to find a designer who can create your vision and locate a contractor to execute that plan. Dealing with multiple people and companies can get sticky and important details can get lost along the way.

Selecting a design/build contracting company eliminates one of the biggest ways designs can stall—aligning the input from multiple people at different places. The design/build general contracting company offers a straightforward path that can reduce time and cost overruns. Your vision goes straight to the design/build team and then to the contractor. Communicating with one company results in less information lost and a more accurate build-out.

The Design/Build Process

Familiarizing yourself with the design/build process can help you see the value they bring to a commercial project.

Stage 1: In the first stage, you meet with the design team who can produce an advanced plan that reflects your high-end commercial needs. While it can be tempting to go with the contractor who quotes the lowest cost, reaping the rewards of a team of highly qualified experts can deliver the space you need with the details that set it apart from other commercial locations.

Stage 2: This is the stage in which the design team learns about your business, inquiring about your company’s goals, strategies, and branding. At the same time, engineers, the architect, and other skilled trades are evaluating the building structure and existing systems for upgrades that might be necessary. When merged together, you have a plan that accounts for every detail of your commercial space and design.

Stage 3: Stage 3 is when the designers and builders come together to evaluate ways to maximize the project efficiency, address functional requirements, and present preliminary drawings. You will likely learn the final cost to deliver what you envision for this space. Keep in mind that you will not need to put the project out for a construction bid, reducing delays.

Stage 4: Since there can be preliminary construction happening in the late design phase, your commercial space will already be ahead of schedule. This can be the jumping point for focused construction with oversight from the architect and design team. Many times, the collaborative design process means there are few, if any, change orders.

Stage 5: This final stage frequently consists of making any corrections and a demonstration of the project deliverables. If you need them, the team can provide training sessions for employees to understand how each system works, including technology, electrical, HVAC, and others.

One of the primary benefits of working with an experienced design/build contracting company is the speed at which a project is finished. With efficient management and a simplified process, this company can reduce the potential delays that keep you from occupying the space as quickly as possible, giving you the highest-quality space with no surprises.

Related: How a Design-Build Company in the Bergen County, NJ Area Creates an Aesthetically Pleasing Commercial Interior Design


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