Experience a Productive Office Design When Hiring the Right Commercial Construction Company in the Manhattan, NY Area

Experience a Productive Office Design When Hiring the Right Commercial Construction Company in the Manhattan, NY Area

A Manhattan, NY Area office design can have a big impact on worker productivity so you want to get it right the first time. Fortunately, the right commercial construction company can help you work through each detail to end up with an office space that functions well for your company. Here are the benefits of hiring an expert-level commercial contractor.

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Interior Layout

The interior layout is the skeleton that forms the backbone of your office. Some essential details that can make a big difference are how much mobility you need in a space. If your company is filled with collaborative projects, then you need a space that has mobile partitions, desks, and other features that can be moved around according to the needs.

Another key detail is the amount of privacy you require. When your business handles private information that you need to keep confidential for your clients, you likely need private areas where employees can have conversations that stay in the room.

You also want to account for growth which is the goal of every business. The interior layout should follow a general rule of allowing around twenty percent of the space for growth and development.


The last thing you want in a custom office space is clogged areas where employees have a hard time getting to what they need. This can be where an expert commercial construction company can help you design a layout that fosters easy, unobstructed movement within the spaces.

A rough estimate of how much space you need per employee is approximately two hundred and fifty feet. However, your company might need more or less which is why working with a commercial company that specializes in custom spaces can help you maximize what space you have.

Interior Atmosphere

The interior atmosphere is a key detail that enhances the office and work experience for your employees. Maintaining a constant temperature that is comfortable in every season means you need a reliable HVAC system that can handle strong sunshine coming through the windows in the summer and the cold Manhattan winds in winter.

Lighting is another feature that has a direct influence on employees and their productivity. Common areas can feel best with warm lighting that creates a calm feeling while other areas might need brighter white task lighting for work that needs close attention to small print or designs.

Sounds can travel easily in an office so ensuring the interior has soundproof areas can be another key element of the atmosphere. The nature of your particular business can determine how much sound is acceptable in the office.

Interior Comfort

From a snack room with seating for lunch to comfortable furniture in the common areas, interior comfort is also essential. Office chairs and desks should be ergonomic and provide the proper support for backs and legs while the best desks can offer multiple outlets for any technology. It might seem like a small thing but hiding all the cords from devices can keep an office from looking cluttered and disordered.

Ensuring there are enough bathrooms so people are not waiting an inordinate amount of time to use the restroom also impacts interior comfort. Ultimately, you need a thoughtful way to provide rest spaces when needed and efficient workspaces, too.

Related: Here's How Office Builders in New York City Create an Office Design That Encourages Productivity


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