Here Are 4 Ways to Make Senior Living Facilities Feel More Homey in Suffolk County and Brooklyn, NY

Here Are 4 Ways to Make Senior Living Facilities Feel More Homey in Suffolk County and Brooklyn, NY

Much like the gradual changes in standards for different generations, the standards for senior living facilities are evolving as well. Making necessary upgrades to a senior living facility will not only increase the value and capabilities of the facility, but, more importantly, directly lead to better lifestyles for the residents. With some improvements, you can make a real impact on the lives of your residents. Here are four ways to make senior living facilities feel more homey in Suffolk County and Brooklyn, NY.

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Better Technological Adaptations

The advances of the Digital Age and the effects of the pandemic have led to smartphones and tablets being ubiquitous in our daily lives. These devices have become a primary avenue for communicating with friends and family, yet they all have the same problems: they run out of battery quite quickly and spotty internet connections can really become frustrating, especially for seniors. Improving the technological adaptations in your senior living center will be a huge selling point for an increasingly digital senior population.

Expand the bandwidth of the facility’s wifi and place extenders in common areas, especially in the canteen and outdoor communal spaces. Add electrical outlets near every table or chair in common areas and remember that many outlets designed these days include USB cable connections as well. Of course, be sure to include plenty of outlets and charging stations inside individual rooms where your residents can sit back and use their devices in private.

Better Natural Light

Without adequate light, senior living facilities can feel cramped, depressing, and isolating. When there is too much light in an area, it can be jarring or even headache-inducing. The best answer is to provide substantial outdoor light wherever possible; and mimic it in indoor lighting. The soft glow or even direct sunlight can help to make a space feel much more open and welcoming. Opt for LED lights that mimic natural sunlight in color temperature, and avoid fluorescent lights that cast a harsh, unattractive glow over the surroundings.

One way to increase natural light is by expanding the windows’ surface area. This also includes skylights from above, which become especially successful in lobbies, gyms, hallways, and common areas. Check with your renovation contractor to see what other more involved options may exist for your facility.

Warm Textures

Smooth textures may be easy to clean, but they can give a facility an unwelcoming sterile atmosphere. Today, many fabrics and wallcoverings are easy-cleaning, durable, yet give the feeling of comfortable textures used in home furnishings.

Better Natural Connections

Increased natural light and air flow can make a huge difference in the feeling of your senior living facility, but that’s not all you could do. Increasing the number of plants in your facility will help add oxygen back to the air and improve the ambience. Simply put, plants make people happy and can make the space feel much more like home.

Increase plant life in the hallways and common areas through planter installations. This will help expand the size of the natural spaces, make plant maintenance and watering much easier, and make the whole space cleaner. In outdoor spaces, add raised masonry planters where residents can grow flowers, shrubs, fruits, and vegetables. The increased focus on plant life will make a wonderful improvement in daily life at your facility.

Related: What Upgrades Should be Made This Year to Senior Living Facilities in Westchester County and Suffolk County, NY?


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